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Opening Boikhutso creche South Africa 2019

Our foundation lectures at primary schools across the country. With this we achieve 2 goals: in 2 sessions we let children experience how powerful they are. And we tell something about it leadership, their talents and inspiration. Yes, also something about bullying, insecurities and its consequences for children. The second goal is that children from those primary schools collect money to pick up. To build new schools in Africa and Asia.

We stand for powerful children and young people. Our mission is to make children and young people happier in a world full of distractions by offering them the opportunity through movement to increase their self-awareness and self-confidence and thus empower them.

Klaar voor vertrek!

Wednesday evening 8 May 2019:

The day Rosanne, Sem, Bart and Babette left for South Africa to open Boost the World Foundation’s first Boost school!

The first day was all about the beautiful nature, WALKING through the bush! out of your comfort zone, super cool!

Saturday May 11:

Before the official opening, there was a lot of fun in the playground at the crèche!


Besides all the children, their parents, teachers and headmaster, the Chief (“mayor” of the village) was also present, which was very special.

Sunday May 12:

Day of rest!

Monday May 13:

Visit Nourish Eco Village

Nourish is the local foundation that built the school on our behalf. A great, sustainable foundation, who believe in fighting poaching through poverty reduction. And so all their projects are integrated, holistic (seeing everything as a whole) and sustainable, to develop a better future.

Monday May 13:

Visit Pfukani Creche with lecture by Rosanne to the teachers about leadership.

A workshop “making packaging toys” was given by Izingane, the foundation that brought us in contact with Nourish.

A Nourish employee will give a lecture about the nutritional supplements that are distributed at the crèches

Facts and figures Crèche Boikhutso

The total costs for the crèche were R 100,000 (being +/- 6,000 Euro)

These costs were spent on:

The building (purchase, transport, electricity and equipment)

R 48.000

Infrastructure (playground, storage, water tank, etc)

R 17.549

Nourish (administration, petrol, guidance costs, running costs until 31-12-2109)

R 26,000

Unforeseen costs

R 8,451

The board of Boost the World Foundation wants to offer continuity to the nursery, so the aim is to continue to support Nourish annually in the running costs of R 30,000 per year, which amounts to 1,800 Euro.

Rosanne van Zalingen

The founder of Boost the World Foundation

As a child Rosanne dreams of setting up schools and orphanages in the world. She believed back then that you can create a beautiful world by connecting worlds. At a very young age, Rosanne has been making mood boards with pictures of nature and paintings of orphanages in a beautiful world. The image of her ideals is rudely disturbed when she is faced with eating problems, a negative self-image, burnout and is a victim of bullying.

Sem Wernsen

Young Leader of Boost the World Foundation

13 years – From depression to purpose I suffered from depression from the age of 10 to 12. With the help of medication I got out of there but I still felt different and very insecure because the depression was always a bit present … Until Rosanne asked me to participate in Boost the World Foundation. While I was kickboxing every week with Bibi, I noticed that I was getting stronger physically and mentally. I discovered that I really enjoyed participating in a project that would make other children feel more empowered. In mid-May I went to South Africa with my mother and Rosanne to open a first school for underprivileged children there. Really cool and special to be able to do that. I hope my honest story (because I can’t really be proud of my depression 😜) makes it clear: Don’t worry about what others expect from you! Even though you may be different, feel or look different from the others around you, find what empowers you. I hope that with what I do I can make the world a little bit more beautiful. For myself and certainly also for other children!

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BOOST a creche

In general, the children are doing very well in the Netherlands. And how nice is it if we can share that with children who are less well off! In May 2019 was the opening of our first BOOST creche in South Africa, a fantastic project that we would like to share with children and young people in the Netherlands! Because are our children really aware of everything? How does the water come from the tap? Where does electricity come from? Is it normal that we can purchase electricity 24 hours a day? That we can drink from the tap? That we can normally go to the toilet? That we have English lessons?

We would like to ask your help to help the children between 1 and 5 years old in South Africa. The children in South Africa often have no money between 1 and 5 years old to go to school. And not going to school means; that they are mostly assured of a “poorer” future, street life, cannot speak English and therefore cannot go to “primary” and “secondary” school.

Because we think it is important to be transparent, all costs are neatly documented by us. Everything donated through companies, schools, children, youth and parents is directly invested in our projects. And the BOOST creche is our first project!